Oct 27, 2020 | Shannon Drumm | 1498 views
Non-Sanctioned Tournaments not permitted
Over the past several weeks there has been a steady stream of emails concerning the Barn in Oshawa's weekend tournaments and whether the tournaments had been approved by the OMHA.
The 3 on 3 tournament program provided by the BARN or any other type of tournament conflicts with current OMHA programming and is classified as non-sanctioned. The OMHA has currently suspended tournament permits until further notice. Players or coaches participating in any non OMHA sanctioned tournament will be banned from all Hockey Canada, OMHA and NMHA activities for the rest of the season.
There will be no refund from the NMHA if a player is suspended due to them playing in a non-sanctioned tournament.
All questions posed regarding these non-sanctioned events can be direct to Jen Barlow - OMHA Centre Contact