Jan 17, 2019 | Michelle Brown | 4357 views
NEW Cell Phone Policy
You may have noticed some new signs, hanging at our local arenas.
Please know that in efforts to continue to keep our players safety and well being at the forefront, we have adopted a new Cell Phone Policy which will serve in addition to any team policies already in place.
Effective immediately, no player may use a cell phone or recording device/camera etc. in the dressing room. Consequence for 1st offence is a 1 game suspension, 2nd offence is a 3 game suspension and 3rd offence will be brought to the Disciplinary Committee.
We believe that the arena should be a safe place for our players! After much discussion, the Executive Committee felt it necessary to eliminate any potential issues that could arise with the use of recording devices in sensitive areas, like our hockey dressing rooms.
Should you have any questions about this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.