Jun 17, 2018 | Michelle Brown | 3564 views
In with the NEW!
Our AGM, which concluded our 2017/2018 hockey season is now in the books.
Thank you to all of the members who took time to attend, engaged in discussions, asked questions, voted on proposed bylaw changes and elected a new Executive Committee. Your participation in the running of the NMHA is invaluable!
Please know that we are working to provide the membership with answers to their questions regarding the financials that were presented at the AGM.
Let me take a moment to thank last years Executive Committee members who are moving on this season. Several of you have served for many years with the Port Hope Phantoms, the Cobourg Cougars and most recently, our amalgamated Northumberland Nighthawks.
Your years of service, time, dedication and hard work, have made playing minor hockey in our community what it is today; FUN, SAFE and GREAT VALUE!
Many thanks to; Phil Beatty, Shelley Henderson, Dan Peters, Michelle Adamson, Jen Barlow, Matt McKeen, Wayne Mahaffy, April Kimmett and Christian Eriksson.
This year, you have elected a new Committee, filled with; young, new, eager volunteers. Lets welcome:
President - Todd Gimblett
Past President - Phil Beatty
VP Rep - Frank Francella
VP House League - Jack Filce
Director of Administration - Chad Stewart
Director of Development - TBD
Ice Scheduler - TBD
Treasurer - David Fisher
Secretary - Kelly Morris
Registrar - Darlene Heeley
Risk Management officer - Will Lewis
Communications Officer - Michelle Brown (Appointed)
Equipment Manager - Bill Woodman
OMHA Centre Contact - Jackie Verge
Events Coordinator - Rachel Dyson
As many of our volunteers are transitioning into their positions, please have patience!
The summer months are quiet on the hockey-playing front, but I assure you that the behind the scenes efforts are already in full force so that we can provide you with the very best season ahead.