Player Selection Criteria, News, U11 A, U10 - 2015, U11 - 2014 (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

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Apr 27, 2024 | Rachel Metcalfe | 181 views
Player Selection Criteria
The following is the criteria that the evaluators for the U11A tryouts will be instructed to base their player ratings with. 

Plyers will be rated 1-5 on each skill they are asked to demonstrate during tryouts. 5 being exceptional and 1 being below average. These ratings will ONLY be shared with the Head Coach, Other evaluators and the NMHA Executive if necessary.

Criteria for Player Selection


·       Can the players perform the basic forward and backward stride?

·       Are the players knees well bent with the back slightly forward and the head up, or is the player hunched over, bending at the waist with little knee bend? Does the player look smooth when they skate, or do they appear off balance?

·       Can the player turn in both directions with little trouble or do they struggle to turn in one or both directions?

·       Can the player stop in both directions?

·       Can the player keep up with the play or do they struggle to stay with the other players on the ice?


·       Can the player pass the puck to its intended target with minimal effort?

·       Can the player receive a pass on their backhand or do they tend to shift their body to receive the pass on the forehand?

·       Does the player call for the puck vs. banging their stick on the ice or saying nothing at all?

·       When the player passes the puck do they slap at it or is the motion smooth with the player following through to the intended target?

Puck Control

·       Does the player appear to be comfortable handling the puck while skating or do they fight the puck and have trouble skating with some speed while handling it?

·       Can the player keep his/her head up while carrying the puck?

·       Can't they stop quickly or change directions while handling the puck?

·       Can the player continue to handle the puck while in traffic and under pressure?


·       Does the player follow through to the target on all shots?

·       Can the player raise the puck?

·       Is the player accurate when shooting?

Game Play

·       Does the player seem to understand where he/she is to play on the ice?

·       Do they support the puck in defensive and offensive situations?

·       Does the player show patience, or do they tend to panic when pressured?

·       Can the player angle another player off the puck?

·       Does the player force the play, or do they wait too long?

·       Does the player shy away from other players?

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