Underage Players:
Any player requesting the opportunity to tryout as an underage/exceptional player for a Rep Team must concurrently try out in his/her own age group. A player, may tryout, one age bracket higher than they would normally play for, and having approval of their parent(s) or legal guardian can tryout for the said team, providing the following criteria are met:
Notify the VP of Rep at least 48-hrs ahead of the first tryout
Must possess exceptional skills;
Must be ranked as top player on the team for which he/she is trying out as well as the AA team at their own age group.
Underage Goaltenders:
A goaltender, may tryout, one age bracket higher than they would normally play for, and having approval of their parent(s) or legal guardian can tryout for the said team, providing the following criteria are met:
Notify the VP of Rep at least 48-hrs ahead of the first tryout
His/her movement does not deplete the team and or division from where they would normally play, from having adequate goalkeeping. (that is 2 goalies per team)
The goaltender must be ranked as the top goalie on the team for which he is trying out as well as the AA team at their own age group.
If the Evaluation Committee feels in any way that a player is at risk for injury, said player will not be permitted to try out a level up. The final decision as to whether to sign the player must be made known on or before the conclusion of the higher team's third tryout.
Should a dispute arise as to the ranking of the player, the Head Coach (in-consultation with the Evaluation Committee) will make the final decision.
No player can be dislodged from playing hockey in the NMHA, which would be caused by any such movement of a player. Should this occur the movement would become NULL and VOID.
No team can lose more than 2 players through such movement as outlined above.