4.1.1 The intent of the Association will be to form the best possible OMHA Rep teams, using the best eligible players available. All players should be encouraged to play at the level of their ability.
4.1.7 All players wishing to play for an OMHA team must attend and fully participate in all tryouts held for that team. Once a player is released by the AA coach, the player is then eligible to try out for an A team. Any player unable to attend tryouts due to conflicting tryouts at a higher level, injury, illness or any other reason, must contact the head coach prior to the tryout. If the coach is satisfied, the player may be excused from the tryout, but will not be eligible for a refund of the tryout fee.
4.1.10 Any player, who tries out for an OMHA Team and is selected by the coach, is expected to play for that team. If a AA/A player leaves his/her team of his own volition after registration but prior to December 10th s/he can only play for a House League team if an opening exists and with the agreement of the House League Vice President. S/he cannot return to the AA/A team for the balance of the season.
Given all of the above, it is the expectation of NMHA that:
- EVERY athlete that played as an A or AA player during the 2023/2024 season is expected to attend ALL AA tryouts
- Any athlete that played as a HL/Select player during the 2023/2024 season is able to go straight to A tryouts (should they chose)
- Any athlete unable to attend tryouts due to conflicting tryouts at a higher level, injury, illness or any other reason MUST contact the head coach PRIOR to the tryout. If the coach is satisfied, the player may be excused from the tryout.
We look forward to seeing all athletes out to the AA tryouts on Saturday!