SR IP Evaluations, News, SR IP House League, 2015-2016 (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 16, 2015 | Todd Gimblett | 2113 views
SR IP Evaluations
Saturday, September 19th at Cobourg Memorial Arena 
Last names A to D: 10:30am to 11:30am 
Last names E to M: 11:30am to 12:30pm 
Last names N to Z: 12:30 pm to 1:30pm  

We also have ice time booked for Sunday, September 20th at the CCC-Pond 
Last names A to D: 10am to 11:00am 
Last names E to M: 11:00am to 12:00pm 
Last names N to Z: 12:00pm to 1:00pm 

On Saturday at each time slot, I will have a list of each player's name with an assigned jersey I would like them to wear for evaluation purposes posted on the dressing room door, and the jerseys will be hanging up in the room. If you do not see your child's name on the list, please see me and I will assign them a jersey. Once the kids go on the ice, I would like to have a very brief meeting with the parents.  Saturday will be run by the development team to help us get an idea of each player's skill level to try and sort them into even teams. All teams will not be finalized until sometime around Thanksgiving, so be prepared for some shuffling to happen.  Based on skill level, some players may be moved down to Jr IP , and some Jr players may be moved up to Sr.

Sunday's ice times will be used for some games to further evaluate the players. 

Erin Bick
SR IP Governor

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