Rep Head Coach YEar End Reimbursement (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

Rep Head Coach YEar End Reimbursement
REPRESENTATIVE TEAM HEAD COACH REIMBURSEMENT As set out in the Coach Commitment Letter, the Head Coach of each NMHA Representative team is eligible to receive reimbursement of up to a maximum of $1,000.00 for eligible expenses associated with team travel and certain other eligible expenses (detailed below) associated with coaching a NMHA Representative hockey team. To be eligible for reimbursement, the Head Coach must be in good standing with the NMHA at the end of the season and MUST complete and submit the attached forms (as applicable) to the NMHA’s Treasurer by March 31, 2025 Receipts are required for all eligible expenses, excluding mileage, and must be submitted with the claim forms submitted to Treasurer. The Head Coach may seek reimbursement (up to $1,000.00) for the following expenses only: • Hotel room costs for tournaments • Travel mileage (calculated at the CRA mileage rate posted annually on the Government of Canada website) • Nighthawks black jacket (1) • Dress shirt (1) • Tie (1) • Black dress pants (1) • On-ice equipment/props obtained for the benefit of the team • Practice Plan program For the 2024-25 season, the CRA mileage rate is $0.70 per kilometre for the first 5,000 km driven. All claims must be reviewed and approved by the NMHA Treasurer. Reimbursement claims must be submitted by March 31, 2025, so cheques can be issues and given out tot he Head Coaches at the NMHA Rep Banquet on April 12th

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Team Information

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Receipt & Certification Attachments, this can include your receipt for the items listed above for reimbursement as the Head Coach. Mileage chart must be submitted if claiming km's. Please include destination to/from, distanced travelled in Km's