The NMHA is pleased to be able to bring back some Nighthawks Swag from the past. We are able to offer our members 4 items that will be delivered prior to Christmas.
Deadline to order: Dec 3 at 11:59 pm
Items available to order: PJ Bottoms $50
Beach Towel $45
Skate Mat $25
Tie $35
Each item can be personalized with player last name and # for $5 (each player & item)
Orders will not be accepted unless payment has been made via e-transfer
To place an order, please
click this link. All the order details are included on this form including where to sent your e-transfer payment. Please send payments to
[email protected], include your last name and items ordering in the notes field. If a password is required when you send an etransfer, please use "hockey"
Again the deadline for orders and payment is Sat Dec 3 at 11:59pm.