Thank you NMHA 2021/22 Executive and Welcome to our new members, News (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

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Jul 07, 2022 | Shannon Drumm | 1325 views
Thank you NMHA 2021/22 Executive and Welcome to our new members
As we prepare for the 2022/23 hockey season please take a moment to thank our Past Executive for all their hard work and dedication behind the scenes to ensure our kids were able to take to the ice during the 2021/22 season in a safe and healthy atmosphere.

The following Exec members will transitioning out and helping the members take over their position:
Michelle Brown - President
Bob Harper - VP Rep Hockey
Lynn Marie Brocanier - Treasurer
Jenn Lean-Gadbois - Risk Management Officer

OMHA Centre Contact - Jen Barlow
Registrar - Kelly Morris
Secretary - Karen McCormack
Our thanks to all of you for your countless hours and support making the Northumberland Nighthawks a success.  

There are many NEW Exec members that joined us after the AGM on June 20th at the CCC.
President - Bill Woodman
VP Rep Hockey - Jake Taylor
VP of Development - Eric Fraser
Treasurer - Jennifer Kirkwood
Registrar - Joanna McCulloch
OMHA Centre Contact - Rachel Dyson
Risk Management Officer - Andy Caletti
Secretary - Jenny Hammond
Equipment Manager - Trenholm Parker
Event Coordinator - Venetia Harper

Click the link to view the full Executive Committee
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St. Pat's Hockey Development
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South 50 Farms
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