Please take a moment to review the following documents in advance of the AGM , which is Monday June 20 @ 6:30 pm in the Gym @ the CCC.
Looking forward to seeing you!
**Please remember that you must be a member in good standing to attend the meeting**
Below are the links to view the Minutes from the 2021 AGM and to view the agenda for the 2022 AGM. There will be will only limited copies available at the meeting, we encourage you read this info prior to arriving at the meeting.
The following Exec Positions open for the 2022-23 Season:
VP of Rep Hockey - Manages all details pertaining to our Rep program
Treasurer - Manages Association financials
Director of Development - Plans Development programs for Assoc.
VP of House League - Manages all details pertaining to our House League program
OMHA Centre Contact - Liaison between NMHA - OMHA and Lakeshore Minor Hockey, handles residential transfers, Uploading Rosters for Rep program, etc.
Secretary - Takes minutes at all meetings, organizes monthly Exec meetings, etc.
Special Events Coordinator -Organizes Assoc. Events - team pictures, banquet and tournaments with Rep/HL, etc.
Risk Management Officer - Manages Ice contracts and Insurance for the Assoc., etc
Equipment Manager - takes care of all equipment needs for the Assoc.