Apr 26, 2022 | Shannon Drumm | 942 views
Tryout Season has begun for U14, 15 and 16 players
AAA Rep tryouts started yesterday week for 2007, 2008 and 2009 aged players! Tryouts can be a very stressful time of year for players, their families and the coaches. The Nighthawks wishes all our players trying out for AAA the very best of luck. We will definitely miss those that make the team they are trying out for but we will be thrilled to see each player soar with your new team.
Give 110% every shift, during each drill and lap around the ice. Be respectful, show up on time and be a team player.
Our AA and A team have a limited number of spots. Remember that coaches are trying to assemble a team of the strongest, most skilled, and coachable kids. Be sure that your players takes the tryout as an opportunity to showcase themselves!
AA tryouts begin on Monday May 2 next week for U14, 15 and 16 teams - click here to view the TRYOUT SCHEDULE If you missed out on the chance to purchase a Nighthawks Tryout Passport, they are open again until Sunday May 1 @ 11:59pm
Tryout Passports are purchased once. If a player is released from AA tryouts the passport is still valid for A tryouts.
Non-Resent Player (NRP's) that are looking to attend the Nighthawks AA tryouts, you do not purchase a Tryout Passport or Register with the NMHA. NRP's are not permitted to attend A tryouts, just AA.
Non Resident Players must request an approved NRP passport from their home centre. This paper must be submitted to the NMHA at the 1st tryout session. NMHA Tryout sessions for NRP's are $25 each and to be paid cash when the player arrives at the facility prior to each skate.