Apr 12, 2022 | Shannon Drumm | 968 views
U14-16 Tryout Passports and Registration to open on Sunday
Registration and Tryout passports will open for U14-U16 ONLY on Sunday April 17th for one week (close on Sunday April 24th). Our U14-U16 AA tryouts begin the week of May 2 and A tryouts begin the week of May 9
PLEASE NOTE for those NMHA players that want to tryout for AAA, please DO NOT Register or purchase a Tryout Passport.
NMHA players that are released from AAA tryouts during the week of April 25, instructions will be posted after Monday April 25th. We will re-open Registration and Tryout Passports for these players returning for Nighthawks AA tryouts.
ALSO, we are still waiting for AAA and JR PTS forms to be released by the OMHA - stay tuned for this info.
Non Resident Players (NRP's) are not to register with NMHA if attending AA tryouts, these players must register with your home homes centre and request an NRP form to tryout.