Apr 06, 2022 | Shannon Drumm | 1282 views
Permission to Skate forms for 2022 Spring Tryouts
AAA Permission to Skate forms for the U14, 15 and 16 divisions are NOT YET AVAILABLE from the OMHA to the associations for Spring tryouts.
As soon as this information is provided to us, we will share that with you.
PLEASE NOTE: if your child intends on trying out for AAA, DO NOT complete online registration when it opens up with the NMHA, first email Jen Barlow OMHA Centre Contact for Permission To Skate form when they become available.
We thank you for your patience as we await the release of these documents.
All player(s) who are released from AAA tryouts and return back to the NMHA will then be required to complete the registration online and purchase a Passport Tryout before participating in our AA or A tryouts.