Nov 06, 2020 | Shannon Drumm | 1959 views
New process for U10 and below teams(Jack Burger Only)
Change in Process for the all players on U10, U9, U8 & U7 teams
Jack Burger Sports Complex is allowing one parent per child into the arena area to help
players dress for their ice time.
1. Parents will check in when the kids come in with their team 15 min prior to scheduled ice slot. Take their child to the benches in the arena and use
the markers on the benches for distancing. Dress the player in their hockey gear and then send them to the dressing room with their bag. Parents will then proceed to the stands to sit.
2. Parents and players are required to wear masks, players will remove their mask when their helmet is on.
3. Players will not be able to use the benches for undressing. They are to proceed to their assigned dressing room until they are all ready to leave as a team with coaches and exit out the assigned exit doors.
4. This new process will also be limited to one adult per child. This is not a solution for cold/wet weather for spectators to come in early, please continue to wait in your vehicle and enter the Complex when the practice begins.
5. REMINDER TO ALL NMHA PARENTS - Moving the pylons, driving behind the building to pick up a player is strictly prohibited. This area is for pedestrian traffic only, family vehicles are NOT to enter this area. If your player needs help carrying their hockey bag, please wait for them at the rear doors and walk them safely to your vehicle. JB staff will be monitoring this area to ensure that everyone can walk safely in the designated walking path.