My last message to you all as outgoing Communications Officer makes me the happiest!
Hockey is BACK!!!
Huge thank you to the tireless efforts of our 2019/2020 Executives for their hard work.
Navigating through, and coordinating efforts between our community arenas, our governing bodies, while meeting the needs of our members has been challenging but we are ready!
Age groups have been tiered, coaches have been appointed and our schedule is being made.
Please know that during this Return to Play Stage, all teams will be participating in Development style play. Our Development Provider; Dennis Sicard of WarHorse Hockey and Goalie Development Provider; Dan Stewart of CT Crease will be working with each team in addition to their coaches.
Please watch the website/FB/email for specifics about which team you will be on. This information will start to trickle out later today and over the weekend. If you are registered and do not get information, please contact our
VP of House League; Jodi Metcalfe and she will help guide you.
If you HAVE NOT registered your player and wish to do so - you still can. Please know that we may be closing registration for age divisions as they fill and we are not able to accommodate additional players.
Register Here
A message will posted inviting the younger age groups to begin registration starting NEXT WEEK!!!