Feb 16, 2020 | Michelle Brown | 4908 views
Hockey Teams are Family
As we are all celebrating Family Day Weekend, the Northumberland Nighthawks and Whitby Wildcats Midget AA team have reminded us just how big of a hockey family that we all really are.
The Nighthawks were on the road visiting their Whitby opponents on Saturday evening. During their OMHA Quarterfinal final game, there was a very scary incident involving one of our Nighthawks. The player suffered a severe cut to his lower leg which temporarily suspended the game until emergency services could arrive.
During this fluke accident, everyone in attendance saw the team trainers and first responders fly into action to provide the much needed support for the injured player. Players, bench staff and parents realized the severity of the situation and responded accordingly. After a significant delay, the referees invited the concerned and emotional Nighthawk players onto the ice to wish their teammate well as he left on a stretcher, all while the Whitby team lined up and respectfully acknowledged him as well.
Midget hockey is a division that is often riddled with high emotions, testosterone, and sometimes shenanigans. This was not the case Saturday evening.
Unfortunately injuries can be an inherent part of the game. These teams recognize that with their level of play and competitiveness that accidents do occasionally happen. Both groups, including their bench staff and parents, displayed tremendous class and respect during what was certainly a very stressful time.
Kudos to you all on coming together, respecting each other as you would your own family and for rallying around your injured brother.
Our Nighthawk player was seen and treated at the hospital, and will require some additional treatment to ensure that he makes a complete recovery. We are all wishing him and his family the very best!