Development/Coaching Survey, News (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

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Jan 16, 2020 | Michelle Brown | 4428 views
Development/Coaching Survey
Thank you all for taking the time to complete the Coaching and Development Survey.  If you have not yet had the chance, please do so ASAP, as the survey will close at midnight tonight!

There is nothing that we value more than the dedication of our volunteers.  

One very important volunteer position within our organization is that of our Coaching Staff.  Our coaches dedicate countless hours of time with our kids on and off the ice for the duration of the season and beyond.

In an effort to always ensure that we have the best people in the correct positions, we are looking for your feedback.  Please note that we have added a section this year to obtain your feedback regarding our Development providers.

All parents are invited to complete the Development/Coaching Survey.

Please know that all feedback received will be directed to the VP of Rep Hockey and kept confidential

*The Coaching Selection Committee may be provided with information regarding the surveys so that they can make the best decisions when interviewing and appointing coaches for next season. This will not include names or specific details.

Coaches who wish to discuss their feedback, will be given a synopsis of the information, but will not be given specific parent names.

We encourage you to provide informative, constructive information for us to consider, and to remember that this is an opportunity for you to tell us how great your coaches were this season, and perhaps how they may improve in some areas.  

Be thoughtful!

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] and I will help direct you to the correct person.
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