What a Weekend!, News (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

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Jan 06, 2020 | Michelle Brown | 4505 views
What a Weekend!
For the past 3 days, Cobourg has been overcome with Hockey fever!

Our town was given a once in a lifetime opportunity to host Rogers Hometown Hockey and all of the amazing perks that go with it!

The picturesque West Harbour was transformed into a mini Hockeyville.  There was live music, autograph signings  with Darcy Tucker, Shayne Corson, Gord Brooks, Steve Smith, local NHL Authors; Todd Denault and Stewart Richardson, NHL Broadcasters; Chris Johnson and Jim Hughson and our very own Cobourg Cougars.

There IMG_1465.JPGwas a BBQ, ball hockey, shooting games, hardest shot stations and a whole bunch more!  

The CCC was the hub for Hockey Day in Northumberland as the Midget Wild Girls, the Bantam AA Nighthawks, the PoIMG_1511.JPGrt Hope Panthers the Cobourg Cougars took on their rivals before many of their fans.

This was a very successful and fun weekend for everyone involved. We saw our local hockey organizations come together with the town to help coordinate and support such an undertaking.

Our players, their teams and families all came out to support and to be a part of this amazing event.
Truly, this was one of the most exciting hockey happenings that this town has seen in a while.  It didn't matter which way you turned, there were smiling faces, jersey wearing kids and adults, there was cheering, competitiveness and excellent sportsmanship.  

The final evening began with the Parade of Champions and as a long time hockey Mom - I couldn't have been more proud of this organization.  We had House League, Select, AE and AA teams all represented by their outstanding players and coaches.. They stole the show with the cheers and chants and overwhelming Nighthawks Pride!IMG_1512.JPG

Over the weekend, we were told personal stories about hockey and their Cobourg roots, we saw our dear friend and hockey lover; Grace Bowen's sweet face light up the crowd as she flashed on the screen in her hockey jersey, we had our very own, brave Mr. Jack Bradimore drop the puck in celebrity style and our Minor Midget AA net minder; Oscar Brown assist Ron McLeand and Tara Slone with the NHL 3 Star selection.  

Above all else, our entire community came together and united over our passion and love of this amazing sport.    
Many thanks to the advisory committee, including our Events Co-ordinator for ensuring that the Nighthawks were well represented.        

I hope that you all cherish this weekend of excitement, share your own pictures and stories and continue to make enough hockey memories to last you a lifetime!

As always, you've done good Nighthawks!
Little Buck
Sponsor of the U8MD team for the 2023/24 season
Sponsor of the U15AA team for the 2023/24 Season
Behan Construction Limited
SPONSOR OF THE U16 AA TEAM FOR THE 2023-24 SEASON. Behan Construction Limited, a Cobourg, Ontario based construction company, was founded in 1960 and continues to be an industry leader in sewer, watermain, road construction, and site development.
Cobourg Spine & Sports Injury Clinic
Sponsor of the U11A team for the 2023/24 Season
St. Pat's Hockey Development
Sponsor of the U10A Team for the 2023/24 Season
South 50 Farms
Sponsor of the U9MD team for the 2023/24 Season