Our friends, The Northumberland Bulldogs Special Needs Hockey Team had their home opener game this afternoon against the Grand Ravine Tornadoes at the Baltimore Arena.
This group of boys and girls, ranging from the ages of 6-27 hit the ice and impressed the crowd with their skills, sportsmanship and sheer love of the game.
Many thanks to all of our Nighthawks and their families who braved the miserable, November weather to go out and support the team. Your presence, and support, means the world to these athletes and their own families.
It was very touching to see the high fives, the cheering and the genuine interest in their game and their team as whole. Such a fun, community loving way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Our Minor Bantam AA group was set to practice right after the game, so they got dressed in our Gold jerseys to match the Bulldogs colours, and joined them on the ice to offer congratulations and fist bumps!
Well done Nighthawks, as always, your community involvement and outstanding character is second to none!
Kudos to you all, you should be very proud, and to the Bulldogs, you were fantastic - we will be seeing you again!