Last night we held an exceptionally well attended AGM. Many thanks to those of you who attended, especially to those who stood for the duration.
Your voice was heard!
I am happy to report that we did not close the doors on a single person. Your efforts to attend, are recognized and without you, the NMHA would not be able to follow in line with the vision that you all have for our minor hockey program.
You can see that we have a predominately new Executive Committee for next season. Each of these elected individuals bring with them a host of experience and a variety of different backgrounds. This a fantastic opportunity to continue on with the success and initiatives of our previous Executive and to develop some new, fresh ideas.
I encourage you all to welcome these individuals, be patient as they learn their new roles, support them, and ask questions. We have a membership with some fantastic ideas and the best way to get your ideas heard is to share them with us.
Congratulations to you all, before you even begin, we would all like to thank you for stepping up and taking on these roles. Your time and contributions will be very valuable in shaping the future direction for the Nighthawks.
Your new Executive Committee for 2019/2020:
Ice Scheduler - Vacant
Equipment Manager - Bob Harper
Special Events - Kim Caletti