We recently announced that the Northumberland Nighthawks were once again supporting the Grace Bowen Family Fun Day.
We invited all of our teams and families to consider donating a gift card, or making a monetary donation to present to the Bowen Family to raffle off at this years event.
On June 8th, the 4th Annual Grace Bowen Family Fun Day will be held at the Grafton Arena. This is a special day to honour and remember Grace, but also to raise funds and awareness for CHILDhood Cancer.
Our Minor Atom AA team has made an AMAZING $340 team donation. This will be used to purchase Gift Cards for the Gift Card Tree which be raffle off.
All of the players on the team knew who Grace was and were very so excited to be able to make a meaningful contribution in her honour.
Big thanks to the Minor Bantam AA and the Bantam AA teams for their outstanding donations as well!
As always, our teams, our families and our community never cease to amaze with their generosity!
If you would like to donate, we will be collecting at the Rep Hockey Banquet on April 27th, or please email me at
[email protected] to make arrangements.