Sep 09, 2018 | Michelle Brown | 3560 views
Tournament Weekend a Success!
This was the first of many tournament weekends for our Nighthawks, and we had 8 teams in action, representing us all over the place!
A very big CONGRATULATIONS to the Minor Midget AA team on their tournament victory in Richmond Hill. They narrowly lost their first game against the Toronto Aeros 2-3, but came out swinging and went undefeated for the remainder of the weekend. Kudos to you all!
We should also recognize the Bantam AA boys, who made it all the way to the finals in their Toronto Aces September Classic Tournament, but were just edged out 2-1 to the Toronto Wolverines. Well done boys, that was a tremendous effort.
While several teams were on the road this weekend, our Atom AE, Minor Peewee AE, Peewee AE and Bantam AE teams stayed at home and played host to a number of visiting centres.
The Minor Peewees, Peewees and Bantams all took their tournament play right to the very end and found themselves playing in the finals against tough competition. All three teams finished the season as Finalists and should be very proud of their efforts!
Many thanks to all of our Tournament organizers and volunteers who stepped up this weekend and helped to make our Justin Williams AE Tournament a wonderful success. Hosting a tournament of this magnitude is an incredible undertaking - and we appreciate everyone that helped out.
And a special congratulations to all of our Division Champions:
Novice AE - Whitby Wildcats
Atom AE - Oshawa Generals
Minor Peewee - Whitby Wildcats
Peewee AE - Whitby Wildcats
Minor Bantam AE - Halton Hills
Bantam AE - Ajax Knights