Message from NMHA President, News (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

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Jun 20, 2018 | Michelle Brown | 3539 views
Message from NMHA President
At our AGM, a few weeks ago, some questions were raised, and unfortunately remained unanswered.

In efforts to uphold our policy on transparency, and to keep our Members informed, the NMHA President; Todd Gimblett has provided the following information for your review.

Should you have additional questions, about these issues, or others - just ask!  I would be more than happy to answer your inquiries, or to direct them to someone who can.

Hello members,

During this year's AGM on June 6th, questions and concerns where raised regarding REP team payments and Sponsorship money. Unfortunately, NMHA Treasurer, David Fisher was not in attendance to answer these questions.

These questions were forwarded to Mr. Fisher for clarification.  

In the days following the AGM, I have met with David to review the line item journal entries for the accounts being questioned.

With regards to the Rep team fees paid to the association, it was questioned that the amount reported was lower than expected. Expected rep team money should have been $234,000.  14 teams paying $15,000 each and 2 teams playing $12,000 each.  The Rep team revenue on the year-end financials at the AGM was $231,300. A Rep team made a $3,000 installment payment which was added to the "registration" account instead of the "rep team" account and therefor overstating the registration account by $3,000. A Rep team made a $300 payment to cover their Justin Williams fee which should have been added to the tournament revenue account but was added to the "rep team account" overstating that account by $300. 

If the two items above had been posted to the correct accounts, the amounts would have correctly matched the $234,000 amount.

The second concern addressed by the membership was the Sponsorship revenue account being significantly lower than expected.  

At the AGM, Director of Administration, Matt McKeen was asked to provide an explanation but could not and referred the membership to ask Treasurer, David Fisher.  It is noted that sponsorship falls under the job description for the Dir of Admin. After reviewing the sponsorship line items with Treasurer Fisher and cross-referencing those items with payments received and deposits made, it has been noted that not all sponsors paid their money.   The amount owing totaled $8,500.  One sponsorship payment received was added to the Tournament sponsorship account when it should have been posted to team sponsorship. In subsequent follow-up, it is concluded that the former Director of Administration and the Treasurer did not communicate fully about any outstanding sponsorship money.  

The former Director of Administration McKeen submitted a sponsor spreadsheet on June 8th identifying sponsors as "Paid" when clearly they were not. The Treasurer, did not keep a list of accounts receivable for sponsorship money owing and therefore did not send out invoices or past due invoices to the sponsors.  Treasurer Fisher simply deposited the sponsor cheques as they came in and recorded the item to the sponsorship account in the ledger but did not inquire about the remaining amounts.

Moving forward. David Fisher who remains on this year's Executive Committee is going to contact the sponsors in question for their payments. When a company or organization agrees to sponsor a team, an invoice will be generated, sent to the sponsor and an accounts receivable created.  For past due sponsorship accounts, the treasurer will notify the Director of Administration for collection.

Thank you to those who questioned the financials and have given us the appropriate time to review. A special AGM will be called for the membership to approve the 2017-18 financials.


Todd Gimblett
President, NMHA
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