May 24, 2018 | Michelle Brown | 3286 views
Executive Meeting Minutes
A question was asked tonight about the NMHA minutes.
I thought that this would be a good opportunity to explain the process.
At each Executive meeting, the minutes (notes) are taken by our Secretary, and in her absence, another Executive member will step in. These minutes are then presented back to the Executive, for review and approval at the next meeting. Once the minutes are approved by a quorum of members, the Communications Officer posts them to the website.
You can find them under the tab “About Us” and under “documents”.
You may notice that we haven’t posted minutes since January 23rd, 2018. Our Executive met in Feb, the minutes were incomplete and therefore not approved. We met in March, but did not have a quorum, so there was no “formal” meeting, and no minutes were recorded. We most recently met in April, had a meeting, minutes were taken, but we have yet to have a subsequent meeting to approve them – which is why they are not being posted.
I hope that explains the process a little more clearly.
If you have questions about anything concerning the NMHA, just ask! It is your organization, and you should certainly be informed.