Dec 31, 2017 | Michelle Brown | 6146 views
Welcome 2018!
Well, that about wraps up an Amazing 2017 for the Northumberland Nighthawks!
We introduced something very new this year with our Half/Cross ice program which has been super successful with our youngest players and has lead to many, many more puck touches for everyone and subsequently bigger smiles from the players and their fans.
In October, the Atom AA, Minor Bantam AA and Minor Atom AE hosted Pink in the Rink night at the CCC and together they raised $1800, which was donated to the Grace Bowen Tribute Fund helping to raise awareness and funds to fight Childhood Cancers. This event brought our hockey community together and kick started the wave of generosity that we have seen throughout the holiday season. Big kudos to the Atom AE and the Minor Bantam AE teams for their local food drives, to the Minor Atom AA team for visiting and serving dinner to the residents at the Legion Village and for also raising $1150 for "Movember" supporting men's health. And last, but not least, our Minor Midget AA team, collected their own funds from friends and family to help support one of their peers who was in need this season. Well done teams, your generosity and community awareness is very touching.
On the ice, many of our teams have brought home championship titles. Lets recap and congratulate the following Nighthawks:
Minor Peewee AE - Justin Williams AE
Atom AA - Belleville Pre Season Tilt
Bantam AA - Justin Williams AA
Atom AA - Kingston Canadians
Minor Bantam AA - Belleville Shriners
Minor Peewee AE - Hespeler Olympics
Bantam AA - Richard Bell Memorial
Here is hoping that the remainder of the season is as fun and fulfilling as the first half has been. Many thanks to all of you who volunteer your time to help make it all happen.
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!