Reminder: NMHA still accepting Coach Applications for 2025/26, News (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

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Jan 14, 2025 | Shannon Drumm | 1388 views
Reminder: NMHA still accepting Coach Applications for 2025/26
Head Coaches are carefully selected to ensure we have a roster of the best that apply in our area. 

The NMHA is always open to non-parent coaches and Parent coaches for our teams.   

We currently have some excellent Non- Parent Coaches who want to give back to the game of hockey and do this for the ‘love’ of game just as much as a Parent Coach.  

Our goal is to hire Coaches that are serious about development and growth. Our Coaches are one of the reasons our young athletes continue to choose the Northumberland Nighthawks  and why many other players want to join our teams. 

All NMHA Coaches have certifications and training as mandated by Hockey Canada and access to funding for these certifications and continued training. 

If you know someone who many want to apply, please share this post or if you yourself are interested in being a Nighthawks COACH for the 2025/26 Season please click here.  The application is open until Jan 20, 2025 - 11:30pm
Little Buck
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South 50 Farms
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