Dec 12, 2023 | Shannon Drumm | 3483 views
Our Nighthawks teams giving back this holiday season
There are so many teams giving back to our community in different ways and our Association is full of pride for everyones efforts to various worthy causes for the Holidays.
U7Lowes team - donated 6 very full and very festive stockings for the Seniors in Northumberland
U9MD team - visited Extendicare Cobourg Nursing Home where the team met with the residents, made crafts with them and took some festive goodies to share with everyone.
U12AA team - collected full boxes of food items for Food Share Northumberland and also made a cash donation of $95 to Food Share. This energetic bunch of 11 yr olds also collected toys/gift cards for kids and donated them to The Giving Tree as well as writing letters to Canadian soliders for Christmas.
U13A - In lieu of gifts for each other, the team decided to choose a name from the Giving Tree this Christmas. Some of the players used their own money to buy gifts as requested or get creative and buy something that was not on the child's list. The team managed to donate an amazing amt of toys/gift cards to The Giving Tree Northumberland.
U14AA - The team ran a toy/gift card drive at their home game against Oshawa on Sat Dec 9. There was over $540 in gift cards collected and the Oshawa team was very generous in contributing $150 of this amount. They also delivered an overflowing box of toys to the Giving Tree Northumberland with the gift cards collected.
U15A - This team also chose to support the Giving Tree Northumberland with a very generous donation to help kids in our area have a Christmas gift.
U18AA - Chose the Stockings for Seniors Northumberland to donate to this season. The Players, coaches and families delivered 6 oversized stocking plus 2 additional gift bags full of additional items to add other stockings.
Deliveries were made and all the recipients of our Nighthawk generosity were very greatly accepted and appreciated. Thank you to all the individuals and teams that went out of their way to give back and give individuals in our community something special this holiday season.