Sep 18, 2023 | Shannon Drumm | 1334 views
House League Evaulation Skates begin Tues Sept 19
Now it's time for our House League players to step on the ice for their Evaluations Here is a breakdown of the Divisions and how the ice times have been divided. The letters shown beside each ice time are by last name.
Tuesday Sept 19
Under 15
6:30-7:30 CCC - BOWL A-H
7:30-8:30 CCC - BOWL J-Z
Under 21
8:30-9:30 CCC - BOWL A-J
9:30-10:30 CCC - BOWL K-Z
Saturday September 23rd
Under 8/9
10-11am Jack Burger A-MIL
11-12pm Jack Burger MIM-Z
Under 11
12-1pm Jack Burger A-K
1-2pm Jack Burger L-Z
Under 13
2-3pm Jack Burger A-L
3-4pm Jack Burger M-Z
If you have any questions about the above ice times, please contact our VP of House League - Alanah Popovici