Apr 25, 2023 | Shannon Drumm | 1394 views
U10-U16 Tryouts Start Monday May 1
Reminder - AA Tryouts for the U10 to U16 Divisions start on Monday May 1 at the CCC.
Please ensure you have booked and paid for a tryout passport as well as registered for the 2023/23 season.
There will be an Executive Member at Bowl and Pond doors for each tryout session. Checking in the players as they arrive and giving them a numbered tryout jersey (players will keep these). If your child is NOT registered, has NOT booked a tryout passport or sent the $80 payment for they will NOT be permitted to skate until these are done.
Click here to Register
Click here to book a Tryout Passport
To view the tryout calendar - click here.
U10-U16 A tryouts will begin on Monday May 8 at the CCC.