FAQ (Northumberland Minor Hockey)

Listed below is a series of questions and answers regarding amalgamation.  If you have a question, please email the amalgamation committee.


What is the purpose of Amalgamating the two centres?

  To create a cohesive new hockey Association that will allow hockey to thrive in both communities;

To provide the opportunity for players to compete at the appropriate skill and age level to maximize their hockey opportunities;

To broaden skill development at the House League and Rep levels for coaches and players alike;

  What is the role of the Amalgamation Committee?

To facilitate the Amalgamation of Port Hope Minor Hockey and Cobourg Minor Hockey;

To explore and pursue the feasibility of higher level representative hockey and create MORE opportunities at various levels;

To encourage a balance of responsibility for the new Organization across the Executive and Coach levels;

Promote an environment that fosters volunteerism at the Executive, Coach and Parent level;

To create a cohesive new hockey Association that will allow hockey to thrive in both communities 

  My child plays house league, how will Amalgamation impact him/her?

House League players will be blended to balance the teams within each house league division for a fair and fun hockey experience;

A robust select hockey program at each division for House League players looking to play more competitive hockey;

Teams will continue to receive (2) 1-hour ice slots per week for practices and games;

The cost of hockey will be blended between each community;

Games and practices will be divided among the available arenas. 


What level will the REP hockey program play?


Should amalgamation pass, the new centre will be classified “AA”. We will also field “A/E 2” teams. 

  My child plays REP, how will Amalgamation impact him/her?

NMHA will look to offer minor and major “AA” and “AE” teams from Novice to Major Midget meaning 16 possible travel teams. Additionally, an Minor Development team (MD7) is available to 7 year old players;

With “AA” and “AE” teams at minor and major levels, players will compete at their appropriate skill level and develop at their own pace;

Teams will receive on average (2) 1.5 hour practices per week and (1) home game per week;

All teams will compete in the Lakeshore League; 

  Will the new association be accepting NRP’s?

Non-resident players outside the boundaries of the new NMHA will be able to tryout for “AA" level teams from Minor Peewee and above.  Each team may take 3 NRP’s.  A/E teams are not permitted to take NRP’s (as per OMHA regulations) 


How are the coaches going to be picked and when?


A coach selection committee consisting of 1 executive member from the CCHL and PHMH along with three individuals who are external to both associations will form the coach selection committee.  The executive members will not get vote on the coaching candidates, but may offer input to be used the decision making process.  The three external individuals will have the final decision.  Both “AA” and “AE” coach interviews and selection will happen in the spring. 


When and where will the teams practice/play?


Ice may be allocated throughout the 4 local rinks rinks, the Cobourg Community Centre (Bowl & Pond), Jack Burger, Cobourg Memorial &   TCS.  While the NMHA does not anticipate using the Bewdley Arena, it may be used for "overflow" when ice is unavailable in Cobourg or Port Hope or when teams require extra ice.  With approximately 60 combined HL and REP teams, scheduling will be a challenge and need to remain “fluid”.  Teams can expect to use all of the rinks and days/times may not be consistent.  


Which AAA Zone Afilliation will my child tryout? 


AAA affiliation will remain the same unless OMHA states otherwise.  Port Hope residents will continue to go to Clarington and Cobourg residents will continue to go to Quinte. 

  What happens after the amalgamation vote?

If the vote is YES by both centres, the Amalgamation committee will handle the interim executive duties until the new organization is set-up and the new executive is in place.  The CCHL and PHMH will continue to operate individually thru the end of the hockey season and both organizations will dissolve at their AGM’s in May, 2015.  Assets and Liabilities of either association will become part of the new organization.  The first AGM for the NMHA will occur in June, 2015 where an executive will be chosen. 


If the Amalgamation does not happen, will my association’s classification be downgraded?


No downgrading will happen.  Cobourg would remain at “A” and Port Hope will remain at “BB”.  The OMHA does reserve the right to downgrade associations if there is a decline in registration and a drop in performance team competitiveness.  


If the NMHA is classified as a ‘AA’ centre and only offers ‘AA’ and ‘AE’ levels for rep hockey and my son doesn’t make the ‘AA’ team, can he tryout at another centre for ‘A’ level hockey? 


Yes. Your son would be eligible to go to the closest ‘A’ centre as an NRP to tryout as long as he tried-out for the NHMA ‘AA’ team and was released. You would need to obtain an NRP passport from NMHA and present it to the ‘A’ centre at their tryout. The NRP program only applies to Minor Peewee and up.


We live inside another centre’s hard boundary but have never registered there. We have always played IP and House League in Cobourg. Can our son play Rep hockey in the NMHA?


No. If you live within a centre’s hard boundary then this is considered your home centre and where your son must go to play Rep hockey. Players playing IP or HL can register and play in any centre. For OMHA programs such as Rep, AE, Select or Rostered Select players are only eligible to play in their home centre.